Vector/Matrix Numeric Operations

Matrix-Addition with scalar

Matrix-Addition of matrices

Matrix-Multiplication with scalar

Matrix-Multiplication of matrices


Vector-Addition with scalar

Vector-Addition of vectors

Vector-element index

Vector-Multiplication with scalar

Vector-Rank of value

Vector-Dot product


Important facts about matrices and vectors

Vector and matrix function blocks have a rewriting input. That is why block numbering is very important.

Memory allocation has to be done by using the Create block or by connecting variables (automatic allocation).

Basic handling

Vectors are a special form of matrices. The handling in iCon-L is the same, therefore the following examples are shown for matrices.

Connection by connection line

Generally, matrix and vector, just like all other function blocks, can be connected by line.

Connection by variables

Another way to connect matrices, is to use variables. Therefore, the variable has to be defined as definition by connection (reference).

Automatic allocation

If you define the variable with automatic allocation and you want to initialize the matrix, proceed as following:

Do not use the Create Matrix block.

File operation

If you want to load a saved matrix from a file system, you have to allocate the memory by using the Create Matrix block.